**My first and foremost priority is always providing valuable information and resources to promote wellness and health promoting positive changes in your life.**
Blushield -Home of the Most Advanced EMF Protection Technology
EMF/ERF are top disruptors to health that I treat in my practice. 5G is in full swing and many are experiencing a myriad of symptoms including headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances etc. Blushield is your best defense. Shield yourself and your family with harmonious resonant frequencies and allow your body to function optimally without the harmful frequencies which are simply inescapable.
10% Discount.
The ultimate personal red therapy body light to help you look better, feel better, and perform at your best. Includes both scientifically proven bio available light wavelengths:
660nm RED light and 850nm NEAR-INFRARED light for tissues, joints, and muscles.
Inlight Therapy products are the state-of-the-art outcome of this evolution uniquely designed as polychromatic light-emitting diodes technology (PLT) with Progressive Multi-Pulse™ delivery. Polychromatic light therapy is a unique therapy that harnesses the powers of near-infrared light. As your representative I can provide pricing and other information about Inlight products.
Precision nutrition for health and longevity
Prolon is the only nutrition program patented for promoting longevity, healthspan, and protecting lean body mass. Tailored to reverse & slow down biological age (through our 5-Day and daily nutrition), Prolon Nutritional products are discovered and licensed from the Longevity Institute of the University of Southern California and 18 other university research institutions.
BioTech Lite BlueBlockers
99.3% blue light blockage PLUS radiation shielding!
Exposure to artificial light is often one of the most overlooked health risks of the 21st century as it is hugely affecting our circadian rhythm, or our internal clock.
Benefits include:
Enables sharper vision;
Optimizes brain function Regulates neuroendocrinology actions (which decreases depression and insomnia);
Influences the body clock – circadian rhythm (regulates blood pressure and temperature)
Smart Meters
EMF Shielding for your home. The Smart Meter Guard (TM) is the best solution for shielding you and your family from potentially harmful EMF smart meters emit! Guaranteed to block the most EMF from your smart meter both outside and inside your house! The precision, made in America, Smart Meter Guard is the first and original Guard to safely shield over 98% of the EMF, radio frequency, radiation emitting from smart meters. Support American made products like the Smart Meter Guard.
WiFi routers emit constant EMF exposing you and your family to potentially harmful EMF, including 5G. Learn more on how to protect your family.
Limited time offer: Get 10% off Apollo NOW
Bringing the best of neuroscience to improve your health and wellbeing.
Stress relief, powered by you
Apollo uses waves of vibration that are demonstrated in both the lab and the real world to change the balance of our nervous systems through our sense of touch.
Affiliate Disclosure
In compliance with the FDC guidelines, assume the following about links and posts on this site:
This page contains affiliate links to products that Dr. Val has personally investigated and feels confident recommending to her clients and followers. She utilizes many herself. A few links on firstfruitshealthtx.com and firstfruitshealth.com are affiliate links of which Dr. Val may receive a small commission from sales of certain products or services purchased through these links. Thank you for entrusting her as an educational resource.